User research insights
at your fingertips

User research insights are notorious for their lack of longevity. Often resulting in organizations running duplicate and redundant studies. When employees leave, their studies often die in a Box folder. We solved this, but it wasn’t easy.

I worked for IBM’s Cloud, Data and AI Research Operations team helping our 84 user researchers working across 5 portfolios do their best work.


How did we do it?

In order to have an easy-to-search repository of user research studies, you need a foundation of well-structured data around those research studies. Our team vetted a number of platforms and went with Airtable as a structured and user-friendly way for our researchers to track their research studies.


Internal Education

Getting employees to adopt new workflows can be as challenging as getting new customers to try your product. It requires consistent, simple, and compelling messaging. I like to this of my work in this regard of that as a campaign strategist.


My Role

Because our team was so small, we all wore many hats. I found this to make us highly nimble, flexible, and impactful. My responsibilities centered around design and data privacy compliance. From facilitating design thinking workshops to prototyping and storytelling. Additionally, I was responsible for making sure our organization had the infrastructure, data architecture, protocols, and training in place to comply and accelerate.


Data Privacy

Good problems can turn into great opportunities. Getting our org compliant with GDPR had the same solution as surfacing user insights across the org. I led the architecture of our data and ongoing education and training for our 84 researchers across 5 portfolios.

Education & Training

It’s not what you say, it’s how you say it. My background in commercials and storytelling have empowered me to deliver compelling messages to our internal audience and to inspire them to advance their careers by adopting our new protocols and procedures.


Design Lead: IBM User Research


IBM Cloud User Research Library